Healthy Christ-Centered Family Reconciliation

Happy New Year! I’m Christina Dixon. As a former child neglecter, I abandoned my five children in 1985 for five long years. Though my children were physically reunited with me in 1990, there were multiple challenges that I was initially unprepared to face. I wasn’t satisfied with simply reuniting with them physically. My heart longed to fully reconcile with them. Thus began my pursuit to repair the relationships I had broken.

Frankly, when you’ve walked away from your children and shame is beating you in the head every day, you wonder, “Why bother? Why try?” I learned that you don’t have to give in to shame. I’m so grateful that I didn’t. Because I desire to live a life that pleases God, my faith was a major source of motivation that challenged me to go through the emotional pain I suffered to win my children’s hearts back. This faith-inspired motivation caused me to take things one step at a time, as I was led to all kinds of information that helped me to understand the severity of the damage and the emotional pain I caused. I was also given the courage to look at the mess I had made, take responsibility for what I had done, and ask forgiveness. For me, the first step was a deep sense of remorse that caused me to yearn for my children’s forgiveness. Today, more than thirty years after being reunited physically, I am enjoying the presence of each of my children in ways they will tell you would not have been possible were it not for the grueling journey I took.

What can you expect from this column? I intend that readers of this column expect encouragement, hope, and a sense that the impossible is possible. I’ll share the wisdom I gained as I pursued my children’s hearts, the questions they asked, interviews with them, and questions submitted by you – my column readers.

So, what’s the reality? Reconciliation is not for the faint-hearted. It is a noble pursuit that pierces the darkness of shame, brokenness, and humiliation with hope, transparency, and truth. It takes commitment, courage, and community. Prayerfully, this column will become a safe space where wounded and estranged family members can ask questions on their journey toward Family Truth and Reconciliation.

Does your estranged heart long for parent-child connections with depth that grows beneath the surface? Let’s take the courageous journey toward family truth and authentic, joy-filled reconciliation to restore unity to my family and yours! Do you have questions? Send an email to ch*******@wo*********.org.

Full Disclosure: the information shared in this column is not intended to substitute for professional pastoral, medical, or mental healthcare advice, diagnosis, or treatment. ALL content is for informational purposes only.

Christina Dixon is passionate about honoring God in her relationships in authentic and Christ-centered ways. Enthusiastic about helping others integrate biblically-sound wisdom with faith, she encourages, challenges, and inspires others to face life's difficulties with authenticity and God's truth.

Christina Dixon

Christina Dixon

Christina Dixon is passionate about honoring God in her relationships in authentic and Christ-centered ways. Enthusiastic about helping others integrate biblically-sound wisdom with faith, she encourages, challenges, and inspires others to face life's difficulties with authenticity and God's truth.

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