Starting Anew: Life After The Loss of My Dear Aunt

I recently lost my dear aunt and attended a workshop about grief. Losing a loved one, especially one that played a significant role in my growth and development, hit hard and was numbing at the same time. At the time of authoring this article, I still find myself in an altered state, grappling with my new normal.

My dear aunt Annette was consistently present in my life. She was my mother’s sister, and they were like peas and carrots, peanut butter and jelly, cookies and milk, each making the other that much better. Annette was like a second mother to me. Like Mom, she was well read, extremely intelligent, full of wisdom and humor. During the pandemic she and my family were in each other’s support bubble where we shared good times, prayer, and laughter. Annette was great with kids and could whip up a funny story at the drop of a hat resulting in a room roaring with laughter. She was so funny that I dubbed her the “Black Carol Burnett.”

So how is life without her? It’s strange, numb, blank, weird, odd, and off kilter. I know that death is a part of the circle of life, but that doesn’t make it easy. I miss my aunt, and I am learning to cope without her. It isn’t easy but we move on. As I write this with tears in my eyes, I can say that I was so blessed to have Aunt Annette as an integral part of my life. In this new beginning of my life without her, I pledge to continue our family legacy by continuing to make the spaces that I am in a little better with humor, wisdom, and kindness the way Annette did.

If you find yourself grieving the loss of a loved one, below are a few tips that you may find helpful:

1.) Be honest with your feelings (cry if you need to, be silent if it helps, find healthy alone time)

2.) Seek help if needed (from your pastor, church family, your family or professional help.).

3.) Honor your loved one (in crafts, a song, a poem)

4.) Practice self-care (Prayer, meditating on the word of God, exercise—walking, stretching, eat a healthy diet).


Yvonne Taylor is a Health and Wellness Coach with 20+years’ experience in Wellness Coaching, Personal Training and Pilates Mat and Equipment instruction. Yvonne is also a newly minted entrepreneur with Well Fit LLC.

Yvonne Taylor

Yvonne Taylor

Yvonne Taylor is a Health and Wellness Coach with 20+years’ experience in Wellness Coaching, Personal Training and Pilates Mat and Equipment instruction. Yvonne is also a newly minted entrepreneur with Well Fit LLC.

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